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Marshall Browning Pain Management Clinic

Living with pain changes the way in which we live, work and view life. It interferes with almost every area of one’s life and making the proper diagnosis and treatment is essential.

The team at Marshall Browning Pain Management Clinic takes the time to fully investigate the cause of an individual’s pain and to find the best approach to managing it.

Diagnosing Your Pain

A consultation and physical examina;on is completed and an individualized treatment plan is created based on a number of considera;ons, including the cause and level of pain. Following consultation and physical examination, an individualized treatment plan may include one or more of the following

Nerve, muscle, or ligament therapy
Epidural injections
Nerve blocks
Sacroiliac joint injections or medica;ons
Physical therapy
Neural therapy and prolotherapy
Various anesthetic regional interventions
Offers alternative, non-narcotic treatments for managing pain

Conditions Evaluated and Treated

Neck pain
Lower back pain
Herniated discs
Pinched nerves
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Nerve damage
Chronic pelvic pain
Muscle spasms
Musculoskeletal pain
Facial pain
Oncology pain management
Osteoarthritic pain
TMJ syndrome

Meet Our Team

Jeffrey Sears, D.O.
Pain Management

Leslie King, APRN
Pain Management

Referral Process

Patients may be referred by a health care provider. Self-referrals are accepted but the patient must establish with a primary care provider.
For more information, please call 618.542.1045.
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