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Photo of Kathy Laird, MSN, APN, ACNP-BC

Kathy Laird, MSN, APN, ACNP-BC

Mid-Level Provider
Adult Medicine

Contact Info:




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Marshall Browning Medical Clinic
905 North Washington Street
Du Quoin, IL 62832


Advanced Practice Nurse
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO

Master's Degree in Nursing
McKendree University, Lebanon, IL


Board Certified

More/Other Information:

Kathy manages and treats common health problems in adults as well as serious, chronic and complex illnesses in adults and the elderly. She also works closely with Dr. Suhail Istanbouly, Pulmonologist, in the Pulmonology Clinic.

Kathy Laird, APN, is an employee of Marshall Browning Hospital.

Emergency Department (ED) physicians and Hospitalist providers are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. Integritas Emergency Physician Services provides ED physicians and Hospitalists. Radiology providers are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. Cape Radiology provides radiology services. Pathologists are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. SEMC Pathology provides pathology services. Interpretation of cardiology diagnostic testing is provided by independent contractors through Prairie Heart Institute. Specialty Clinics providers holding clinics at Marshall Browning Hospital are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital unless otherwise indicated (*). Anesthesia services are provided by independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. Anesthesia services are provided by G & G Anesthesia.


Independent physicians providing services at Marshall Browning Hospital bill for their services separately and the Hospital Financial Assistance application does not cover nor apply to fees charged. Independent physicians include but are not limited to emergency department physicians (Integritas Emergency Physician Services), radiologists (Cape Radiology), anesthesia (G & G Anesthesia), and pathologists (SEMC). All specialty clinic providers bill for their services separately and the Hospital Financial Assistance application does not cover nor apply to fees charged with the exception of the following physicians: Endocrinology Clinic: Issa Abed, M.D.; Gastroenterology Clinic: Hany Elbeshbeshy, M.D., Christine Hachem, M.D., Alex Befeler, M.D., Wissam Kiwan, M.D., and Kamran Qureshi, M.D.; Pulmonology: Suhail Istanbouly, M.D.; Rheumatology: Frederick Pfalzgraf, M.D.; Sleep Clinic: Suhail Istanbouly, M.D.; Pulmonology: Edgardo Emilia, M.D.


Marshall Browning Medical Clinic and Marshall Browning Family Health Center are hospital-based rural health clinics operated under Marshall Browning Hospital. Eligibility for financial need assistance as determined through the Patient Financial Assistance application will apply to services billed through the Marshall Browning Medical Clinic and Family Health Center.

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